Shayla’s concept of “play” by any youthful standard was about to be forever shattered.
Her predator would force her to do her duty, and the unthinkable. Too young, too weak, too late... Her chastity taken away from her, she was out for revenge. Shayla knew what she had to do next.
She would run away from her haunted past. Until it caught up with her future.
Inspired by real events, this incredible story could have been prevented... if only her parents would have listened.
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“Helpless little Shayla had become to him similar to the butt of his next smoke. A tiny instrument of pleasure, fallen prey to the worst adult act forced upon a child. The priest was callously amused and emboldened by her fear of him. How could she not be afraid? Considering all she had endured under the subterfuge of his priestly cloak, shrouding his menacing ways.
Shayla could only see his wicked truth and what others didn’t know. He was anything but the “good priest” and a drastic polar opposite from his spotless image in the village. Gone was her long-held regard, as had been of her family, about this honored community figure. The revered priest had garnered quite the enviable reputation among the locals. He was their celebrity. One would never surmise to the contrary of his otherwise heinous ways, known all too well by Shayla. After all, he was known as the kind of man who would help the people of the village. And so he did. Including helping himself to the young and innocent among his flock.”
Shayla was a fantastic little girl who loved her parents and her parents loved her. Her only soul purpose in life was to be a good girl and for her father to be proud of her. Unfortunately for Shayla, she wasn’t perfect. She suffered tremendously from attention deficit disorder and could never focus or sit for long periods of time. She was easily distracted and would get into trouble if she was not interested in what she was doing or learning. Always being reprimanded by her parents became the ongoing pattern at home for young Shayla.
In a desperate need to help their daughter have an activity where she could be focused on learning something new, Shayla’s parents signed her up for music lessons at the local church with their priest. It wasn’t long before the priest began to sexually molest Shayla. He would threaten her to never speak to anyone about the abuse or her father would think very badly of her. She would do her duty, at all costs.
The abuse started with a violent sexual attack, followed by a horrible series of events that left Shayla desperately seeking revenge, including a plan to kill the priest.
It wasn’t until some 40 years later when she realized revenge was not the answer and would not heal the deep wounds from the sexual trauma of her past. She spent a good part of her adult years on the hunt for answers that would lead to her ultimate peace and happiness.